Thank you to the voters for passing our referendum ballot question!
The North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District Board of Education approved a referendum question to be proposed to voters on the November 8, 2022 general and school elections ballot. The referendum question encompasses the list of capital projects below, which are no frills, necessary maintenance projects to address aging facilities at North Hunterdon and Voorhees High Schools. The proposed upgrades and renovations focus on energy efficiency and safety. Total cost = $6.5 million. The district has been approved by the NJ Department of Education to receive up to 40% of costs covered by state aid. State aid is only received if the referendum is approved by voters! Funds exist in capital reserve account to cover the remaining project costs after state aid. Through Board of Education authorization to utilize those funds, it would mean no additional cost to our local taxpayers.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Referendum |
Focus on Energy Efficiency:
- North Hunterdon – HVAC Improvements – Upgrades to HVAC units servicing the 150s, 240s, 250s classroom wings and the “O” level classrooms. HVAC units are beyond their useful life expectancy and will be replaced with high efficiency equipment providing fresh air ventilation, improved air filtration, heating and cooling for classrooms.
- Voorhees – Ventilation Upgrades – Upgrades to ventilation units servicing kitchen, first floor locker rooms and rear gymnasium. Units will be replaced with high efficiency equipment providing fresh air ventilation and improved air filtration.
- Voorhees – Chiller Pipe Insulation – Replacement of inefficient pipe insulation on chiller and associated piping to increase the equipment’s efficiency.
Focus on Safety:
- North Hunterdon – Stair Door Replacement – Replacement of interior stair doors with new fire rated and barrier-free compliant doors and hardware.
- North Hunterdon – Locker Room Renovation – Renovation of the boys’ locker room, PE teacher offices and coaches’ locker room by Gold Gym will include new plumbing fixtures, lockers, benches, flooring, and lighting, as well as HVAC upgrades. Upgrades will be ADA-compliant.
- Voorhees – Exterior Stair Replacements –
- Removal and replacement of the concrete and railroad tie steps along the wall of the pedestrian bridge. New concrete steps, handrails and additional retaining wall along steps will be installed.
- Removal and replacement of deteriorating wood retaining wall, wood staircase and railings at the soccer/lacrosse field (aka “The Pit”). New modular block retaining wall system with fencing, new stairs and handrails will be installed.
- With voter approval of the referendum question, the district has been approved by the NJ Department of Education to receive state aid to cover up to 40% of the total project costs. State aid is only received with voter approval.
- There are existing funds to cover the remaining project costs after state aid. With Board of Education approval, the existing funds can be used to pay off the bond immediately meaning no impact to local taxpayers.
Photos of Projects –
Current Photos of Projects |
Example of the Upgraded/Renovated Final Project
There are 3 ways to vote in the general election on November 8, 2022: vote-by-mail ballot, early voting, or vote at polling place on Election Day –
- Want to vote by mail and skip the Election Day lines? Get an application at
- Early voting will take place from October 29 to November 6, 2022 at the following locations in Hunterdon County. Hours will be Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. and Sunday, 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary.
3. Vote on Election Day at your polling place. Find your polling place or ballot drop box locations here:
Are you registered to vote? If not, please fill out an application – (Deadline to register for General Elections is October 18, 2022)