The North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District Board of Education completed Strategic Planning in 2018, with assistance from the NJ School Boards Association. Strategic Planning brought together parents, staff members, community members, educational and community leaders, among other stakeholders, to create a shared vision for the district, identify both the strengths of the school district (those special attributes that we can build on as we move into the future) and the critical issues that we will face (the challenges that the district must be prepared for in the future). At its meeting on June 19, 2018, the Board of Education adopted a new five-year Strategic Plan.
Three Strategic Planning meetings with stakeholders were held. The meeting outcomes from each meeting are posted below:
- Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in Cafeteria B at North Hunterdon High School – State of the Schools Report, Identify district’s strengths and challenges
- Click here to read the State of the Schools Report
- Strategic Planning 1-24-18 Meeting Outcomes
- Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Voorhees High School New Cafeteria – Create a common vision for the district’s future
- Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Voorhees High School Library – Determine Goals and Objectives
Volunteers worked in both small and large groups, and discussion led to a consensus document identifying the community’s vision, strengths and challenges for the district, and developing goal areas focusing on the future for the high schools. The district administrative team then created action plans for each goal and objective.
A sincere thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and participated in the meetings! Strategic Planning 2018 Participants
Please click here to view the full Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Board of Education at its June 19, 2018 meeting. The Board of Education will use the new Strategic Plan to help shape future goals for the district as we move forward.
District Goals 2018-2023 – From Strategic Plan:
- To create academic excellence through 21st century learning and innovative and creative teaching methods.
- To provide an educational environment that balances academic rigor and emotional well-being so that students can reach their full potential and become resilient lifelong learners and productive citizens.
- To create a safe and secure learning environment equipped to deliver 21st-century programs.
- To engage community resources in order to develop partnerships that provide authentic learning experiences and career development.