Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District Board of Education, Hunterdon County, New Jersey for the following project:
District Wide Interior Door Replacement at North Hunterdon High School and Voorhees High School
PSA Commission Number 9872
Bids will be received until 1:00 PM, local prevailing time, on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, at which time said bid proposals will be publicly opened by the Business Administrator, Ms. Kathryn Blew for the District at the School District Board Office located at 1445 Route 31, Annandale, NJ, 08801. Bids, utilizing the bid forms as prepared by the Architect, may be submitted in person, by mail, or delivery service prior to that time. No bids will be received by facsimile or electronic transmission. Delivery by the time stipulated above of any bid submitted by mail or delivery service is done so at the sole risk of the Bidder. It is expressly understood that the Bidder is responsible for getting the bid proposal to the Business Administrator prior to the time and date set for the bid opening. North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District Board of Education assumes no responsibility for delays in the mail or delivery service causing the bid to be received later than the due date and time or at an address other than as set forth above. Any bid received after the bid submission time deadline will be returned unopened. To be considered, bids must include the bidder’s name and be sealed, and the outer envelope clearly marked:
Bid for District Wide Interior Door Replacement at
North Hunterdon High School and Voorhees Regional High School
PSA Commission Number 9872
The bidding documents (original documents with addenda) have been prepared by the Architectural firm of Parette Somjen Architects L.L.C. with an office at 439 Route 46 East, Rockaway, NJ 07866, Telephone 973.586.2400. Said bidding documents including proposal forms may be obtained starting from Friday, April, 26th, 2024 by submitting an email request to C. William Ross at Bidding documents will not be mailed, emailed, or be available for pickup or inspection. They may only be downloaded from the secure FTP website with access granted upon request. No document fee or registration fee is required. Bidders must email their request in writing. Note that it will take at least one (1) full business day to gain access to bid documents as a registered plan holder. Project information is also available on the Architect’s website,
There are two pre-bid meetings scheduled for this project. On Wednesday, May 1st, 2024, at 3:30pm. Please meet at the Voorhees HS Main Entrance, located at 256 County Route 513, Glen Gardner, NJ, 08826. The second pre-bid meeting scheduled for the project is on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, at 3:30pm. Please meet at the North Hunterdon HS Main Entrance, located at 1445 NJ-31, Annadale, NJ, 08801. While not mandatory, attendance is highly recommended.
Pursuant to NJSA 18A:18A-21( c)(2), Addenda shall be provided no later than seven days, Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays excepted, prior to the date for acceptance of bids, to any person who has submitted a bid or who has received a bid package, by one of the listed means in the law, and additionally by downloading the bidding documents from the secure FTP website, as set forth above. Questions will be considered only up until the inquiry deadline stated in the Instructions to Bidders.
The scope of this project includes, but is not limited to, the removal and replacement of existing interior classroom doors and door hardware with new. New hardware to be barrier free compliant and receive new keying. Existing door frames are to remain and be repainted. The Contract Documents define the full project scope.
Bids will be considered in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et.seq.
Bids will be received from a Bidder for a lump sum price for the entire project, all trades, all inclusive.
Bidders must be pre-qualified by the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC) in one of the following categories, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-27.1, et.seq.:
Bidders shall also either be prequalified for, or include documentation for prequalified subcontractors for, the following listed classifications:
(C047) Electrical
Bidders and subcontractors for each of the major branches of work specified in N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-18 must be prequalified by the DPMC. Bidders shall submit with the bid a Certificate of Prequalification/Classification from the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC) and Affidavit as to the Total Amount of Uncompleted Contracts for the Bidder and for all listed subcontractors in the referenced statute for whom DPMC prequalification is required.
No modifications to the enclosed Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions or Specifications will be permitted prior to bid acceptance except as may be allowed by addenda as outlined in the Specifications. Bids that propose modifications to the requirements shall result in rejection of the bid as being non-responsive.
Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq. An Initial Project Workforce Report will be required from the successful Contractor. (Form AA-201).
Statement of Ownership Requirement: Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2, Bidders shall submit a statement setting forth the names and addresses of all persons and entities that own ten percent or more of its stock or interest of any type at all levels of ownership, and further disclosure of the ownership of such entities as applicable.
Bidders and all listed subcontractors are required to comply with the Public Works Contractor Registration Act, (N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48 et seq.) and to possess current certification from the Division of Wage and Hour Compliance in the Department of Labor and Workforce Development at the time the bid is submitted. Bidders and all subcontractors for whom DPMC prequalification is required are also required to submit a Business Registration Certificate issued by the Division of Revenue in the New Jersey Department of Treasury prior to contract award.
All Bidders are required to submit with the bid, an affidavit by the Bidder that the Bidder is not, at the time of the bid, included on the New Jersey State Treasurer’s List or the Federal Government List of Debarred, Suspended or Disqualified Firms or individuals pursuant to N.J.A.C. 17:19-4 and N.J.A.C. 19:38A-4. Then, prior to contract award, only the successful Bidder will be required to submit a separate certification that all entities having a controlling interest are not on the federal list of debarred contractors.
Bids must be accompanied by bid security in the form of (1) a bid bond or certified or cashier’s check payable to the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District Board of Education equal to 10% of the amount of the bid, but in no case to exceed $20,000.00 per N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-24, and (2) Certificate of Consent of Surety per N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-25. The successful bidder will be required to furnish additional bonds as specified in Document 00 21 13, “Instructions to Bidders.”
The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any non-responsive bids or all bids pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-22 and to waive minor informalities or non-material exceptions, that may be in the best interest of the Board. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening date. The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-2(t) and N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-18 (c), as applicable.
Ms. Kathryn Blew, Business Administrator
North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District BOE