Mary Galal
Voorhees High School

Course Textbook and Resources

  1. Course Text:
  2. for student practice and review

Class Expectations:

  1. Take responsibility for your own learning and your own actions.
  2. Be in class, prepared with all required materials, and ready to work once the bell has rung.
  3. Follow directions the first time they are given and do not interrupt when someone else is speaking.
  4. Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and any visitors to the classroom at all times.
  5. No food, drink, or gum will be permitted in the classroom.
  6. Learning is a cooperative process.  Please plan on participating regularly and please stay on task as to not disrupt personal learning and the learning environment of fellow classmates.
  7. All assignments are to be completed and handed in on time.
  8. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the assignment.

Cell Phone/Electronics: These are allowed for educational purposes only. You will be able to use these with the teacher’s explicit instruction ONLY. Otherwise, all electronics will be confiscated, even on the first offense.  Cell phones are to be kept in the student’s backpack unless authorized.


As organization is essential to success in any class, students are expected to maintain a notebook specifically for this course. Students are expected to keep all handouts and returned assignments as these will be useful tools for studying. Students are expected to get any missed notes from a classmate upon their return from an absence and to see the teacher for needed clarification of missed materials.

Points to Note:

  • No extra credit will be offered on an individual basis or upon request.
  • Marking period grades stand as is (not rounded)
  • Late work is never accepted for full credit or towards the option for test corrections (again if offered)
  • Deadlines are non-negotiable; you must take responsibility for your actions as well as your lack of action. Forgetting or bad time management are not valid excuses.
  • Scheduled assignments are not extended due to absence.


Group Work/Projects/Presentations: Students are expected to be active participants when working in groups and will be held accountable for their individual contributions. Students who are absent during a group presentation may be required to present their portion of the presentation to the teacher upon their return from school.

Tests: Chapter/unit tests will be announced on the calendar and in class. Tests constitute the largest portion of the marking period grade and will be comprised of multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. Quizzes, special projects (individual or group), and essays are also graded as part of the test category.

Students who are allowed extra time must come after school on the same day to complete assessment. If a student does not come on the original assessment day their extra time will be considered forfeited.

All make-up tests will be given after school (2:30 – 3:10 pm) within a week of student absence. Please be advised that make-up tests will not be the same assessment that was administered to the class as a whole. Student are encouraged to do their best to attend class on the day of assessments so they may stay at pace with the class.

Quizzes: There will be reading, vocabulary, and unannounced pop quizzes. Quizzes will be given regularly to assess student progress. Quizzes vary in length and can be given during any part of the class period. There will be announced quizzes and unannounced quizzes.


While the homework itself is not graded, the expectation is that students are prepared for class therefore students must have their homework on time, every time.

Unless otherwise stated by the teacher, homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the assigned day. Homework received after the class period will be considered late.

All long-term projects are due on the assigned day whether or not the student attends class. Project presentation days are firm, if you are unexpectedly ill, an immediate email is necessary to prevent any possible deduction of the grade.

Please note: The school provides numerous venues where students can print their work before class begins if the printer at home is not available.

Class Participation:

Students are expected to be active participants in class, which includes: contributing to class discussions and activities, demonstrating preparedness through completion of assigned readings and homework, and maintaining an organized and up‐to‐date class notebook.

Work done in class must be submitted upon request, unless otherwise authorized. Work taken home will receive a zero.

Missed Work Due to an Absence:

Work done in class is also recorded in Google Classroom so absent students do not fall behind.

Make up test arrangements can be made with the teacher after class and students can make up missed assessments (this only for assignments that were announced or done in class during student’s absence) after school within the week of return. The school’s policy of make-up time is only for work given during the student’s absence.

Failure to make up assessments during the allotted time period will result in a zero grade. Students cannot wait till the last week of the quarter to make up all their missed assessments.

Students who miss class due to cutting will not receive credit for missed class work, tests, or homework not handed in.

If absent, students should check Google Classroom for unit modules, as well as updated assignments.

In-School field Trips & Events:

Students attending school events/programs that take place during scheduled class time need to have the appropriate permission slip signed (this includes Guidance passes); this slip is not informational it is my explicit permission that you may miss class without penalty. Students who fail to have the permission form signed or decide to attend the event despite being told, No, will be considered “cutting class” and will receive a zero for any work done during that class period(s). No exceptions.

Late Assignments:

Assignments turned in one day late will receive half credit. After one day, late assignments are no longer eligible for credit. This is a Social Studies department policy and applies to all assignments, including homework, class work, papers, and projects.

Classroom Conduct:

Students are expected and required to arrive prepared (have all necessary materials such as: textbook, notebook, homework, pen, etc.) each day for class and conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous, and tolerant manner as per the discipline policies of the North Hunterdon – Voorhees School District. Disruptive and disrespectful students will receive detention and may be referred to the school administration for disciplinary action. Eating and drinking are not permitted in the classroom.

Grading Policy:

Students will be assessed in a variety of manners. Grades are determined by the use of a cumulative point system (points accumulated divided by points offered).

It is the student’s responsibility to monitor their grades to ensure accuracy and completion. Parents and students can monitor their grades through Aspen.


Please remember that I do not give you your grade, you earn the grades. Grades are not negotiable; I will be more than happy to discuss how students can improve their future work if they desire but will not change previous assignments.

Semester /Final Grades:

Grades will be determined according to the calculation and grading scales set by the North Hunterdon – Voorhees High School District.


  • Plagiarism and/or cheating of any kind is considered a most serious offense.  Should a student be found guilty of plagiarism or cheating, the student will receive an immediate ‘0’ for the assignment.  In addition, the student will be referred to the administration to address this violation of the school’s academic code.
  • Should a student not understand something the student should not copy another person’s work.
  • Bibliographies and proper citations are required at all times.

Extra Help:

I will be available most days from 2:30 ‐ 3:10, depending on my professional schedule, in Room 315. This time is specifically set aside for students to meet with teachers; please do not hesitate to see me if you have any questions. Other times can be arranged by appointment.

Parent ‐ Teacher Contact:

Parents with questions or concerns should contact the teacher at or (908) 368‐2199 ext. 2089.

In order to maintain a fair playing field and support the success of all students I cannot accept excuses or make exceptions to these policies.