Course Description:
In International Foodsstudents will learn about the methods of preparing foods from countries within the regions of Latin America, Europe, Mediterranean, Asia and regional cuisine of the United States. Emphasis is placed on the geographic, climatic and cultural factors that have influenced the food customs.
The World of Food/Folder, worksheets
At the end of this course, students will …
- Demonstrate proper safety sanitation procedures throughout the course.
- Demonstrate an understanding of proper measurement techniques, abbreviations, and foreign food terminology.
- Demonstrate the ability to use and care for lab equipment.
- Identify the geographic, climatic, and cultural factors that have influenced the food customs of regions of the world.
- When given examples of recipe representing foods from the countries studied, be able to prepare and evaluate characteristics of that particular cuisine.
- After researching a chosen country, students will report on and demonstrate preparation of a dish common to that country.
Grading System/Symbols:
Letter Grade Percent Numerical Value
A 93-100 4.00
A- 90-92 3.67
B+ 87-89 3.33
B 83-86 3.00
B- 80-82 2.67
C+ 77-79 2.33
C 73-76 2.00
C- 70-72 1.67
D+ 67-69 1.33
D 64-66 1.00
F Below 64 0.00
Method of Grading
Averaging straight letter grades
Averaging of percent grades
Use of a point system that converts to a percentage or letter grade
Incomplete grades
When an incomplete grade is issued, the student must make up the work by the mid-point of the subsequent marking period. If outstanding work is not made up by this time, a failing grade will result.
Late submissions of required work
Students, who submit required work beyond its due date, but within a reasonable period of time as specified by the teacher, can expect that the grade on the specific item will be lowered.
Students who do not submit required work can expect a failing grade on the specific item.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated in the North Hunterdon-Voorhees District. Any students proved guilty of such activity will automatically receive a failing grade for the specific item on which the cheating or plagiarism occurred.
Academic Honors
High Honor Roll-At the end of each marking period, any student who has attained all “A” grades will be listed on the High Honor Roll.
Honor Roll- At the end of each marking period, any student who has attained all “B” grades or better will be listed on the Honor Roll.
Marking period grades
Tests and Quizzes 30%
Worksheets 30%
Labs 30%
Participation 10%
Please remember that daily attendance is crucial in order not to miss lectures, assignments, discussions, reviews, tests/quizzes, etc. Obviously, illnesses, appointments, personal, and/or family commitments cannot be avoided. Excused absences will in no way interfere with the grading process, but it is imperative each student fully understands his/her obligation to complete work missed during an absence.
Classroom Policies:
- Arrival on time is a MUST. Again, district policy will prevail.
- Arrive fully prepared/text, workbooks, notebooks, pen/pencil, etc., a failure to comply equals poor preparation.
- Avoid classroom removal, in-school assignment or suspension. Any sign of attitude and/or poor behavior will not be tolerated. You will soon be acquainted with my rules, regulations, and expectations. Please abide by them, since I will not be in a position that allows me to waste your time or mine.
- Students must remain seated until dismissed by your teacher.
- Feel free to ask questions and approach your teacher privately regarding your academic concerns and/or problems
- Each student is responsible for attending every class. If you are absent from school, or have an excused absences from class, it is your responsibility to find out what was done in class and make up any work missed. Excessive unexcused absences may result in the loss of class credit.
- Student shouldn’t leave the room for one reason or another; a pass will be given by Ms. Baer However, if this becomes a habit, this privilege will be denied.