Marc McGeehan
Voorhees High School


Mr. McGeehan



Grading Policy


  1.  Marking Period grades are determined in the following manner:
    1. Current events are worth 50 points  (Due every other __Thursday_____ starting __February 2, 2016_________)
    2. Quizzes are worth 100 points (or close to)
    3. Other homework, attendance, and class participation will be taken into consideration.  Point values will vary by assignment.  


** Grades will be determined by the use of an accumulative point system, which will be converted into a percentage and letter grade. **


  1. All quizzes & tests WILL be made up within one week; otherwise the grade becomes a zero.   It is your responsibility for making arrangements with me to make up the test or quiz.  


  1. Any assignments are due on or before the announced date.  Late assignments will lose 10% per day that they are late. This does not pertain to current events.


  1. Students are expected to take notes on lectures, videos, seminars, possible guest speakers, and any other special events.  Quizzes may contain information from anything in class.  


  1. Attendance is important.  You’re big boys and girls so if you’re out, it’s your responsibility to find out what you missed, make it up and hand it in.


  1. Each student will receive credit for participation.  For each day of class, students will receive 2 points for being on task and invested in the day’s activity.  Students will receive 0 points for any of the following reason(s):  being on a cellphone, being on a chrome book for a non-class related reason, napping, working on other assignments, etc.   A participation grade will be posted to Aspen weekly and a chart will be kept in class should a student need clarification.


** Here’s where/when/how you can reach me.  

  • After school – Until 3:10 or other mutually convenient times
  • Office – Room 320
  • Email –  
  • Phone – 638-2199  ext. 2049


Classroom expectations


  1. Be here on time, bring a notebook and something to write with.


  1. Hand in all assignments on time.  If you are in school, the assignment must be handed in.  NO EXCUSES!


  1. Contribute in class.  Remember, this is an elective. For one reason or another, you wanted to be here.  Might as well make the most of your time.  


  1. Be respectful to anyone who enters this room.  If you’re not, we’ll have a problem.


  1. I don’t need another IPOD or cell phone.  Keep them in your bag or purse.  Turn off your ringer and no one will ever know.  God forbid, don’t answer it.


  1. Food & drink – you know the rules.  I tend to be pretty relaxed on this but it’s polite to at least ask.  And if you’re late because you had to go to the café to get food then you might as well stay there and finish it.   


  1. It is within your best interest to be in class.  Don’t take frequent trips to the bathroom or the nurse unless it is an emergency.  You will only be hurting yourself.  


  1. No slacking, no whining, no complaining about grades.  If things don’t go your way, there generally is a reason for it.  Find a way to deal with it.


  1. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated, so don’t do it. Any student caught will receive a “0” for that assignment.  (pg. 12  Parent / Student Guide and Calendar)