AP Computer Science A

AP Computer Science using the Java programming language emphasizes object-oriented programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development, and is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester college-level course in computer science. Students will write computer programs that should be understandable, adaptable, and, when appropriate, reusable. At the same time, the design and implementation of computer programs is used as a context for introducing other important aspects of computer science, including the development and analysis of algorithms, the development and use of fundamental data structures, the study of standard algorithms and typical applications, and the use of logic and formal methods. In addition, the responsible use of these systems is an integral part of the course. This is rigorous course that requires time and commitment outside of the classroom.   This course is only for juniors and seniors.

Pre: 545 with a C or better and/or 516 with a C or better

Note: Students taking this Advanced Placement course will be encouraged to take the AP examination of the Advanced Placement near the conclusion of the course. Please see the explanation program under the General Information section of this Course Selection Guide.


AP Exam Date: May 3, 2023

Exam Registration:

  • Pay for the exam via Total Registration.
  • Indicate “Yes” for taking the exam in your student’s college board account/AP Classroom.
  • Exam registration is due ______, 2023.



  • Never give up
  • Know that you will be able to complete everything you are assigned
  • Understand that you will need help along the way
  • If you are stuck…
    • Spend a sufficient amount of time trying to find a solution on your own
    • Ask three, then me
    • Ask me for help

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