Teacher Info

Teacher Biography

 Ms. Cavo is beginning her fifth year of teaching at North Hunterdon High School, and her sixth year of teaching overall (she had one year of teaching experience within a sixth grade classroom prior to coming to North).   She is the current FEA (Future Educator’s of America) advisor, and has had four years of coaching experience with two years of experience as the Academic Achievement co-advisor.   She has utilized her time in the past by participating in the production of school plays, and has chaperoned school dances/proms in addition to large group school trips with the music department.

   Ms. Cavo has experienced teaching several courses at NHHS, including Creative Writing, Public Speaking, Advanced Academic Literacy, Sophomore Core, Sophomore College Prep., American Literature Core, American Literature College Prep., and Detective Fiction.    Additionally, she was selected to revise the junior course curriculum in the summer of 2009, and was also selected to write the Detective Story curriculum.   Although this course is no longer being offered at NHHS due to the recent change in the senior curriculum (electives are no longer being offered), it is possible for senior students to experience some of the same detective fiction lessons and pieces of literature in their new course.  

Contact Info


Schedule & Availability

Mods 1-2: PREP, room 013

Mods 3-4: English III CP, room 018

Mods 5-6: English III CP, room 012

Mods 7-8: RWL duty, room 106

Mods 9-10: English II CP, room 014

Mods 11-12: Advanced Academic Literacies (AAL), room 209

Mods 13-14: Lunch

Mods 15-16: English II CP, room 014

Mods 17-15: Duty- Study Hall in Cafeteria B.

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