Scholarship Information

College Based Scholarship: For many students, the bulk of their scholarship money comes from their college.  As soon as you decide to apply to a school, you should find out what scholarships that school has to offer, if you are eligible for them, and how you apply for them.  You want to find out if these schools have any additional scholarships that are separate from the scholarships you will automatically be considered for when applying through Admissions and through Financial Aid.  You can find this information one the school website or by calling the admissions office.  Be aware that many scholarship deadlines are in the fall and winter; therefore, you must look into scholarships at all the schools you are considering, not just the one you decide to go to.


Scholarships on Naviance: Any national or New Jersey scholarships that are mailed to the guidance department are posted on Naviance.  To find this list of scholarships, please log in to your Naviance account, click on the “Colleges” tab and the top, scroll down to the Scholarship & Money section, and click on “Scholarship List.”  This list is updated as we learn about new scholarships.


Scholarship of the Week Emails: If you would like to receive weekly scholarship emails, please email Ms. Gorton and ask her to add you to the Scholarship of the Week email list.