Carolyn Baumann
Voorhees High School


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I earned my undergraduate degree in History from Kean University. I have a Masters in teaching in both elementary and special education from New Jersey City University and I have continued my studies in Applied Behavior Analysis at Florida Institute of Technology

I earned my undergraduate degree in History from Kean University. I have a Masters in teaching in both elementary and special education from New Jersey City University and I have continued my studies in Applied Behavior Analysis at Florida Institute of Technology.

Class Information

This special class program is designed to help the students gain independence.  The combination of programs addressing individual needs as well as community based instruction provides opportunities for students to excel in areas of real life application. Individual skills as well as skills for the entire class to focus on are addressed and targeted,  In addition to this students are guided as they increase social awareness and become active members of their community

This class is based on the following curriculum topics:

  • Social Interactions
  • Transition skills
  • Self Help
  • Daily Living
  • Functional academics
  • Community Based Instruction