Physical Education

Voorhees High School

Physical Education Requirements


Mr. Barbieri


  1. Students are only allowed five class absences per marking period. Students absent from school are considered missing class time. The physical education grading policy requires that all classes in excess of five must be made up. Any class missed after five absences will be met with a point reduction equal to that of an unprepared.
  2. This includes: absences from school, field trips, guidance appointments, and any school-related activities.


  1. Nurse’s Excuses– If you cannot participate in class because of illness or injury and don’t have a doctors medical excuse, you will receive an unprepared and be required to make up any classes that you miss.
  2. Medical Excuse- (due to illness or injury) Classes missed do not have to be made up upon presentation of a written note from a physician. The note will be kept on file by the school nurse. This note should include the date of excuse and the date of return. Students on extended medical will be placed into a study hall by their guidance counselor. Students on short term medical will be required to go to the Phys. Ed Resource Center (directly outside of the gym). Both short term and extended medicals are required to do written work for the classes being missed. Students on medical must see the teacher for the medical assignment and are required to complete the work to receive a grade and get credit for the class. If you do not complete the work you will receive a failing grade for class.

Class Cuts- In addition to disciplinary action, a student who chooses to cut class will need to make up 2 classes to earn back the point deduction from their class participation grade.

Unprepared – An unprepared is considered not properly dressed to meet department standards for participation. This is a loss of 5 points for the first unprepared and 10 points subsequently.

Lates- Every unexcused late will result in points taken off your grade.


  1. Students must wear proper PE attire‑ sneakers only, socks, athletic shorts or sweat pants, and T-shirt or sweatshirt. (Dress to the weather)
  2. NO cut off shorts, denim or corduroy shorts, boxer shorts, belted shorts, belts, button down shirts, t‑shirts with offensive language or slogans, and t‑shirts with alcohol, tobacco, drug, or sex related wording and pictures.
  3. NO jewelry of any kind, hats or sunglasses.


  • You may use a locker during class time, but you may not leave your clothes in a locker outside of class time. Bring a lock to class with you and lock up your things. You must remove your lock after class is over or it may be cut off at the end of the day.
  • ***Do not assume your things will not be stolen. PLAN AHEAD. Leave your valuables in the PE office.


  1. The VHS PE requirements part of your grade will be based on
  2. Attendance
  3. Dress
  4. Participation‑ participation grade will be based on the following criteria: safety, following directions, on task, effort, cooperation, sportsmanship, and responsibility.
  5. Fitness Testing.

You begin the marking period with an “A”. You have the opportunity each day to achieve full credit if you meet the criteria above.You can lose points each day for not following the above criteria. Point deductions range from 1-5.


PE Make ups

Make ups may be performed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursday.

Makeup time is from 2:35 to 3:10

Students must be ready to begin the makeup at 2:35

No student will be admitted to the make up once it has begun.